Jawa Hip-Hop

Jawa Koplak
 01 hip hop jawa Soimah 
 02 Cecak Nguntal Boyo
 03 Ciblexs mp3.mp3

                                                                      11 Jogja Hip Hop Kulonuwun mp3
                                                                     12 jogja hiphop - & lingsir wengi.mp3
                                                                     13Jogo_Parkiran 04.mp3
                                                                     10 Hiphop jawa - ibu (Lelo Ledung).mp3

1 komentar:

  1. Jakarta, 8 September 2012

    We as Chief or Emperor DPC KOBUKI South Jakarta over the child's head derah Level Elections in Jakarta after researching and heed the advice of some great personages KOBUKI family who were in the Territory of Jakarta including DPP Chairman KOBUKI "Prof.DR.KH Hariadi Nana, who also perngasuh Yellow Bamboo Boarding School Boarding Schools Foundation as well as advisor to Al Fadly Klampis Bangkalan Madura, and Advisory Foundation A lSyamsiah Arosbaya Bangkalan Madura, known by her nickname "Gus Har" is a figure of the Young Scholars often called-is called by former President Abdurrahman Wahid said "Har Gus Young was the Waskito Sufi figure in glasses Nationality and events in the State's Homeland. . This was proven when Gus Dur or KH Abdurrahman Wahid would step down from the chair of President Har less 6 Months Gus has been first informed on Gus Dur, but people around the President Abdurraham Wahid commented that Gus was less loyal har Abdurrahma KH Wahid, from the fact that Murny Gus Har kesufiaan view. In the dialogue said Gus Har "Pak clerics seem to fall within 6 months Time Again ..!
    Answer President Gus Dur "we'll see" like when I were invited silaturrahmi by Gus Har (PROF.DR.KH.NANAG Hariadi) K erumah Former Residence of President Abdurrahman Wahid in Jiganjur when was alive, where in the dialogue that I myself as a witness bersam lex alexander of India and TJ bambang Also Ma'am Yatik, kta Har Gus' Sir Dur bentruk how if we dare to die for combat troops Malaysia who have taken part-Owned Land BKRI the Ambalat Island ..? Gus dur replied 'we are equally destitute war ngapai Indonesia should not have guns, while Malaysia does not have an army of war'' So why .....? on the other hand we ever met Permadi invited the spiritual leader now so advisors Gerindra. where Permadi never ask for help on Har Gus "she said, Permadi" Har gus if sampean was once sowan meraga soul night at the residence of Sukarno's daughter Megawati should please cekekkan Pak Taufik pack "but I see Gus har replied Mr. Permadi had hatred in the pack Taufik Boxed ..?
    Departing from the story above all we as chancellor DPC KOBUKI Jaksel hear signals from DPP Chairman Gus Har JKOBUKI we seem to be supporting one of the candidates the Governor and Deputy Governor partner that can grasp the words. "Given the Jakarta election soon to be held on dated July 11, 2012 we siganal future are elegant that we caught that needs to be supported and win is the figure of Joko Widodo and partner. Therefore, we will support and mencaolonkan while winning couple Jokowi and ahok to win the upcoming elections. In fact we form all the Family menghimbaukepad Kobuki South Jakarta to support and pray that the couple Jokowi and Ahok win elections later on once putarn First elected governor and deputy governor of Jakarta msa Bahti 2012 to 2017 Amien. Once independence remain free greeting prayer for you DZATING NUR PANETRO ONO Ingsun GUS HAR. Marang SINEBUT SEJATINE Roso Nana AHRAIADI Amien.
    Yours respectfully


    H. MOH. Fathoni
    Chancellor DPC KOBUKI Jaksel




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